Light and Darkness

Recently I have been reflecting on the contrast between light and darkness. At this time of year when in our northern hemisphere the days are getting shorter it focuses my awareness on light or the lack of it.

This interaction of light and darkness is present right from the beginning of the Bible. In the first day of creation light is separated from the darkness. This divine allegory of the spiritual creation of humankind begins with the coming of light or the enlightenment of inner darkness. This dynamic is echoed throughout the Bible and in particular in the Christmas story with its theme of light coming into the darkness.

John’s Gospel reminds us of our spiritual creation when it starts with the words In the beginning was the Word.

In John 1:5 we read ‘the light shines in the darkness’. This particularly struck me when I read it again recently; the light shines in the darkness. The presence of the darkness highlights or intensifies the presence of light. It reminds me of other contrasts between clarity and confusion, the unknown and the known or wisdom and ignorance. The light of truth shows up the darkness of ignorance, illusion and lack of loving kindness within the human spirit, mind and heart.

Our human understanding is limited to see just what is around us or just ahead.  What the future might bring lies in the darkness and is unknown.

However, Divine Light raises up human reason into a greater light, bringing a higher perspective. And in its wake comes a deeper appreciation of the quality of Divine Love and the Divine Purpose for all humankind to be in loving connection that is The Way. Perhaps it is possible to see the experience of both light and darkness as a necessary part of the dance that is spiritual development. We are called to be children of the light and allow the light to be born in us and shine forth.

With good wishes for your Christmas and the coming New Year


About soul-matters

My spiritual search began from a foundation in the wisdom of the 18th century Swedish mystic and scientist called Emanuel Swedenborg. But for a long period I left that behind as I turned to Jungian psychology and therapy. This training also included the dimension of spiritual healing as an integral part of the whole course. Over the many years of psychotherapy and training I found that it often involved keeping a journal as part and parcel of increasing self-awareness. In looking back I realise that these three threads of psychology, spirituality and healing have been weaving the pattern of my life journey. Recently I have returned to healing again as a trainee Reiki healer, and finding this to be making a profound inner change in me. I wonder if it is only now that I can really engage with healing as a part of my life.
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